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Choose what type of Partner you would like to be


- Direct involvement in policy shaping and advocacy efforts

- Access to customised regulatory pathways and compliance support

- Integrated market access support

- Inclusion in collaborative innovation hubs


- Partnership with Start ups

- Customised advisory for VC strategies in healthcare sector investments


- Priority access to public-private partnerships and investment opportunities

- Direct involvement in policy shaping and advocacy efforts

- Dedicated relationship manager for strategic support

University/R&D Institution

- Partnering on collaborative innovation hubs for multi-country research

- Facilitation of partnerships with SMEs and corporates

- Participation in joint policy development and research initiatives


- Co-hosting networking events and workshops

- Participation in collaborative innovation hubs

- Opportunities for joint advocacy on healthcare policy

- Discounted fees for NextGen events and networking activities

Governmental Institution

-Co-hosting networking events and workshops

- Participation in collaborative innovation hubs

- Opportunities for joint advocacy on healthcare policy

- Discounted fees for NextGen events and networking activities

Whats your biggest hurdle in healthcare?